7:42 PM

The Physics of Dog

How does this:

Get out of this:

(note the carabiner holding the door closed at the bottom centre)


Anonymous said...

I hereby christen her Houndini. And I suggest bungee cords. ;)

Ooh, my word verification is "libber". It's a sign: Libby?

EPrairiegrrl said...

Lol...I'm not sure if it's smarts or panic or what that enables her to squeeze out. May try leash clips tomorrow for a tighter hold.

Her name is Bailey :-) I was promised brushing and it's the only time 2 little boys have agreed on anything in about 2 yrs!

EPrairiegrrl said...

oh and it was better than the other suggestion of "Lover" which could have been interesting for calling her at the park...