6:37 PM

Not quite new year but new list

Based on the current catch and release program I have going on with online dating I need to get clearer about what I'm looking for instead of "I'll know it when I see it" or rather feel it in my case....or maybe hear it...half the battle is an inability to string a conversation together...and then it's having a sense of humor.

And before that sounds too bitchy, yes I mostly try to be nice and gracious since I realize for some it isn't easy to put yourself out there.  For others it is apparently way too easy....so far my all time so off-side it was funny message had to be a very first email where I was told he'd do me on a black mink coat.....no hi, hey, hello, heyyyyyy or any preliminaries lol.  more forward than after last call when the lights are coming on...and are mink black...and who has a coat like that nowadays?

I'm also clear that as much as everybody isn't my cup of tea, I'm not for everyone either.  One correspondence ended in all caps that not only was I rude but I was missing out because he has a "KIND AND HONEST HEART!!".  I'm quite certain I've frustrated the hell out of some men in my past but usually we get past email before I do that...who knew I possessed that power?

Although I don't like feeling old I'm pretty sure that skateboards do nothing for me particularly paired with an age bracket over 40.  I also frankly don't possess enough coordination to be anywhere near ramps and wheels and on icy mornings it's all I can do not to fall off the deck on the way to the garage so I'm not likely a great match if those are your favorite pastimes.

Anyways, new book, new approach to "the list" and a girlfriend in another city waiting to do a bookclub-like discussion over long distance wine....better keep reading and writing.  House lists are easier lol