5:56 PM

This week in review

Parking spot on closest bay gets "plowed" leaving a large windrow behind...good-bye parking spot. Proceed to dig out a space in the back yard and pry open the rotten wooden gates.

Get 5 cm of snow. Shovel space out again.

Slide into corner of gate with car and catch rim on eye-bolt. Go into house and cry about damage to newly repaired car.

Run load of darks in laundry. Go down to switch to dryer and wonder about the smell of bleach. Remember putting bleach in washer last weekend to sit before running rinse cycle....forgot to run rinse cycle! Casualties include 2 pairs of dress pants, many black socks etc.


ps. On the upside, I went to an auction on Saturday and purchased this lovely showhome chair for under $100.


june said...

did it fit in your car? I seem to recall that being an auction failing in the past...

EPrairiegrrl said...

Nope, had to call for back up. I miss my Ranger and should have bought a hatchback!