7:35 PM

Shopping for a truck is like online dating....

Lately I've been looking for a truck to pull my trailer (see pics below). Who knew that this would be such a challenge in Alberta? I have also been doing a little bit of online dating and I can't help but notice some similarites:

  • - Very few people use current photos
  • - A description can sound really intriguing compared to reality
  • - Guys want to discuss size and performance

However, although it sounds very close to something I might have heard during an online chat, "it's got new rubber" has only been used while telling me about the truck that I've called to enquire about...

So far I haven't found anything I like enough for more than a quick test drive in either domain.

Most recent run: Saturday, 3.11 miles (or 5k) in 40m 10s

Days left to train for run: 18

Dates since last post: 0 (one request that I put off for a week lol)