8:50 PM

An 8 yr old's perspective on what to look for in a husband

Tonight I called my nephew to wish him a happy birthday and to hear his excited description of his dirt bike and protective gear. While we were talking he told me that I should get a baby puppy; preferably a chocolate lab. When I explained that I couldn't be home to take care of a puppy because I had to work he said that then I should get married so that the husband could look after the puppy....because he wouldn't have a job for the first few days...

Part of me was concerned about why my nephew thinks that new husbands come without jobs but I set that aside to ask him a bit more about why I should have a husband. Some quotes from that discussion follow:

"I think you should marry a really nice guy this time."

Fair enough...I'd tend to agree with that. So I asked him more about what this guy should be like...

"He should be polite and have good manners. And he should have lots of money."

I suspect that the money requirement comes about because every time I am asked to come for a visit "right now!!" I explain that it costs a lot to come on the plane and that I have to work and can't just take holidays whenever I want because I wouldn't get paid or I wouldn't have a job for long.

So, excuse me while I go update my online dating profile:

Seeking very nice guy with husband potential. Must be polite and have good manners. Able to take time off to raise a puppy based on secure financial status and independent wealth.

....oh yeah, and good with precocious nephews.